PMP Practice Exams
The questions we have created are at a similar level of difficulty to the real PMP exam questions. All questions on were created in detailed consultation with several experienced PMP exam tutors and expert project managers. The sample questions on are designed in such a way that they recreate the subtleties of the actual PMP exam. Our Exam Simulator includes a live timer for each practice test ensuring you are comfortable with the testing environment on the day of your exam.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the exam simulator is as true to the real PMP exam as possible. This includes the ability to mark questions for review prior to submitting a final score. Before you finish a practice exam, you can return to any question regardless of whether you marked it for review or not. However, we would advise marking the questions you intend to return to as it could save time in the exam.
Using the exam simulator will provide you with:
- 800 Unique PMP exam questions
- Unlimited Access
- Stores all previous attempts to allow tracking of progress
- "Real life" experience of the PMP exam testing environment.
- Content of exam matches PMP exam question distribution
- All questions have answer justification and PMBOK reference
- Results from simulator identifies areas of strength & weakness
- Saves study time